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  1. Registration means familiarization and unambiguous acceptance of all points of these Regulations.

  2. The order of sending the application form determines the priority of the entries for the Workshops.

  3. The participation fee is defined in the fees and includes participation from 5 to 9 August 2019 in the Workshops, without the possibility of sharing the participation fee only in part of the Workshops.

  4. The participation fee should be paid within the deadline and form specified in the communication after registration. Lack of conference payment is equivalent to deleting from the list of participants.

  5. The period for accepting applications lasts until June 2, 2019. The organizer reserves the right to terminate or extend the recruitment process earlier, which will be announced on the website.

  6. In the event of resignation from participation in the Workshops, 14 days before their commencement, there is a possibility of non-refunding the fee.


    1. The organizer is not responsible for the consequences of random events. As a result of events beyond the Organizer's control, certain              topics of speeches or workshops may change. The participants will be informed about possible changes in the program or organization
        of the event themselves on the main website and the facebook event.

    2. The organizer does not provide the participants with free transport to the place of the workshop. When reporting the appropriate                    number of interested persons, it is only possible to rent a bus on the Poznań-Olejnica-Poznań route.


> I agree to the processing of my personal data for the purpose of organizing field scientific workshops by the Student Scientific Society of Biologists of the Maria-Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, Student Scientific Circle of Entomologists "Pasikonik" of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,The Academic Beekeeping Society "Apis" of the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw. I declare that I know about the right to inspect data and the right to correct them.

> During the workshop photos will be taken. To be able to use them, and providing you, it is necessary to get your formal permission to use the image.

   I agree to the use and dissemination by Entomological Workshops (Student Scientific Society of Biologists of the Maria-Curie Skłodowska         University in Lublin, Student Scientific Circle of Entomologists "Pasikonik" of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn,The Academic     Beekeeping Society "Apis" of the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw), my image, fixed in the form of photos taken as part of the                 Entomological Workshops: "Amazing world of insects". The permit in question entitles to dissemination by any technique, in all fields of         exploitation (in particular: printing, Internet, press release), indefinitely and without territorial restrictions - solely for the purpose of             information and promotion of the local Entomological Workshops: "Amazing world of insects".


The organizer has a final decision on all raised matters.

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